Healthy Habits Supporting Materials Healthy Habits Supporting Materials

Healthy Habits Supporting Materials

Please enjoy this comprehensive collection of reading material, recipes, nutritional and sleep resources, and stress reduction recommendation — all put together through a collaboration of our program administrators, registered dietitians and certified personal trainers.


Healthy Habits, and our team of Registered Dietitians do not recommend or endorse a specific diet, but focus on helping participants learn to make informed, balanced choices based on the 5 core healthy habits that our curriculum covers. Any resource here that features a specific diet is offered as a resource for commonly asked questions and to offer “tools for your tool-belt,” Trying any specific diet should always be done in consultation with a Registered Dietitian to ensure your diet is well balanced and avoids potential nutritional deficiencies. Here we offer two groups of titles: “Recommended Reading” is a list of titles written by Registered Dietitians and recommended by our team of RDs as balanced and credible resources. “Food for Thought” is a list of titles written from a journalistic perspective that present interesting and important ideas that are relevant in our culture today, but are often trying to make the case for a particular viewpoint and may present supporting references selectively.


Group Exercise

Explore all the fitness classes and reserve a space by logging into Motionvibe. Get your blood pumping with classes like HIIT and Zumba or tap into your mindfulness with yoga, Barre or Pilates.


Water Fitness classes are an excellent choice to give your heart and muscles a great workout. The Y offers a range of Water Fitness classes, find the perfect one for you by logging into Motionvibe!



Group Exercise

Explore all the fitness classes and reserve a space by logging into Motionvibe. Get your blood pumping with classes like HIIT and Zumba or tap into your mindfulness with yoga, Barre or Pilates.


Water Fitness classes are an excellent choice to give your heart and muscles a great workout. The Y offers a range of Water Fitness classes, find the perfect one for you by logging into Motionvibe!
