For the Culture & Tikkun Olam
A cohort of twelve Jewish and youth of color will sojourn through six learning sessions, one weekend trip, and one culminating project session including intensive community building, history, and cultural exchange, ultimately contributing to the partnership between the Jewish and youth of color’s fight for social justice in America.
Interest Form
Session Dates for Tikkun Olam
December 5th: Film & Mixer (in-person @ Dedham Showcase Cinemas)
December 12th: Session 1 (virtual)
December 13-15th: Weekend Trip to D.C.
January 2nd: Session 2 (virtual)
January 9th: Session 3 (virtual)
January 16th: Session 4 (in-person)
January 23rd: Session 5 (virtual)
January 30th: Session 6 (in-person)
February 6th: Culminating Event (in-person)
Learning Sessions
Learning Session 1: Community & Relationship Building
Learning Session 2: Introduction to historical context of Jewish and activists of color in partnership for social justice.
Objectives: Be able to identify prejudices and lay foundational framework of the historical partnership between Jews and people of color in social justice.
Learning Session 3: Cultural Understanding
Objectives: Understand what culture is and what it means to each of us. Examine our own identities and values.
Learning Session 4: Cultural Exchange
Objectives: Share cultural practices, food, music etc.
Learning Session 5-6: Youth Community Project
Objectives: Design and implement a project to educate about fighting bias, prejudice, and hatred. The project will be entirely youth directed, and the intended audience could be their peers, preschoolers, community members etc.
Weekend Trip
Washington D.C. to visit Holocaust Museum and Museum of African American History.
Objective: A culminating celebratory trip for the cohort that will consist of the youth visiting the museums while engaging current Jewish and social justice leaders of color in Washington D.C.
Culminating Project Session
Potential Final Presentation Options
Video and Multimedia Storytelling: Produce a documentary that explores your learnings and offer solutions to improve our challenges
Community Discussions: Poems or songs that reflect issues followed by small group discussions
Showcase: Youth will create artwork or interpretive dances that showcase their learnings
Interest Form