Roxbury YMCA 将与 Proximity Health Solutions 合作,提供免费的“用餐和学习”狼疮研讨会。参与者将收到有关狼疮、如何控制疾病以及研究和临床试验在寻找新疗法方面发挥的重要作用的信息。他们将听取医学专家和患者权益保护者的意见,在问答环节享用清淡的晚餐,并接收信息以获取当地和国家资源及支持团体。欢迎患者、护理人员和亲人!
这将于 12 月 14 日星期三下午 6:00 至晚上 8:00 在 Roxbury YMCA 举行。
跟上我们最新的活动和倡议!在支持我们筹款活动的慷慨参与者和赞助商的帮助下,Y 能够支持我们所服务的社区。
Roxbury YMCA 将与 Proximity Health Solutions 合作,提供免费的“用餐和学习”狼疮研讨会。参与者将收到有关狼疮、如何控制疾病以及研究和临床试验在寻找新疗法方面发挥的重要作用的信息。他们将听取医学专家和患者权益保护者的意见,在问答环节享用清淡的晚餐,并接收信息以获取当地和国家资源及支持团体。欢迎患者、护理人员和亲人!
这将于 12 月 14 日星期三下午 6:00 至晚上 8:00 在 Roxbury YMCA 举行。
在 3 月 18 日星期六和 3 月 19 日星期日,我们将与科学博物馆合作度过一个特别的周末,以纪念妇女历史月。
自 1987 年以来,每年 3 月在美国各地举办妇女历史月,以纪念和鼓励研究和纪念妇女在我们的历史中发挥的重要作用。 3 月 18 日星期六和 3 月 19 日星期日,科学博物馆将举办特别周末活动,庆祝女性对科学、文化和社会的贡献,其中包括特色演讲、现场演示、活动等!
要免费入场,只需在 mos.org 在线兑换促销代码:COMMNVQS523。 您也可以拨打科学中心电话 617-723-2500(每天上午 9:00 至下午 5:00),或参观博物馆售票处。 (请注意,电话和面对面选项可能需要等待时间。)当您到达时,请务必在主大厅的登记处登记,以便他们可以参考您的社区组织。
博切冰上中心 1105 East Street,Dedham,MA加入我们的曲棍球福利锦标赛!这项福利的所有收益将捐给 Parkway Community YMCA 的年度活动,确保每个人,无论年龄、收入或背景如何,都有机会在 YMCA 项目中学习、成长和茁壮成长。
4 月 15 日上午 9 点与我们一起在亨廷顿大道 YMCA 享用清淡的早餐、家庭活动、抽奖活动以及从上午 10:00 开始的正式演讲活动。 4 月 15 日和 4 月 16 日,大波士顿地区的所有基督教青年会都将在周末向社区开放,以表彰女性英雄。
今年在北郊 YMCA,我们将为我们的社区举办两个 LiveSTRONG at YMCA 项目。
YMCA 的 LiveSTRONG 是什么?该计划为癌症幸存者提供为期 12 周的免费会员资格、支持和健身计划。我们将于 3 月 26 日启动第一届会议!
这次骑行是为了支持北郊 YMCA 现在和未来的这个项目。
大波士顿地区青年专业人士顾问委员会的 YMCA 邀请您加入 Y 的 GO LOCO!
加入我们在 Southie 最受欢迎的周四夜场!
我们希望在 4 月 27 日星期四与您相聚一晚,与朋友相聚,享受 Southie 的春天,并了解美国第一个 Y 大波士顿基督教青年会。
38 Neponset Avenue, Foxboro, MAJoin us in Foxboro on September 23rd for the 33rd Annual Rodman Ride for Kids! Sign up or donate to the Rodman Ride for Kids, and help provide resources to ensure every young person in our community is given the opportunities to dream, grow, and succeed. All proceeds from the event will go towards funding youth programs for the YMCA.
From October 15-November 12, we invite you to participate in our TOGETHER WE MOVE experience. Whether you love to run, walk, swim, or cycle, TOGETHER WE MOVE will help support you in achieving your physical goals-while reconnecting with friends and neighbors!
Roadrunner Boston 89 Guest ST,Boston,MAPlease join us as we celebrate our YMCA’s positive impact on the community and also help us raise more funds to further impact the lives of youth, families, and adults across Allston-Brighton!
YMCA of Greater Boston presents the Together We Move 5K Race Series! Challenge yourself and accomplish your race goals with the YMCA of Greater Boston Together We Move 5K Race Series. Our 6 5K races are the perfect motivation to keep you on course to health & wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and high-quality race experience you’d only expect from the YMCA of Greater Boston. Register for a single race or our full Race Series!
As part of our 我们一起行动 celebration and 110 years of unwavering service to the Chinatown community, the Wang YMCA of Chinatown invites you to join the “110 for 110th”Challenge from September 22 to November 3. We are calling upon 110 dedicated individuals to run or walk in support of the Wang YMCA’s historic 110th Anniversary. Each participant is encouraged to raise a minimum of $110, symbolizing our century-long commitment to fostering belonging and supporting the diverse community.
YMCA of Greater Boston presents the Together We Move 5K Race Series! Challenge yourself and accomplish your race goals with the YMCA of Greater Boston Together We Move 5K Race Series. Our 6 5K races are the perfect motivation to keep you on course to health & wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and high-quality race experience you’d only expect from the YMCA of Greater Boston. Register for a single race or our full Race Series!
Join us to connect with hiring employers from various business sectors and explore career opportunities in education, biotech, healthcare, transportation, accounting, public sector, information technology, and service industries.
Looking for a job?
Come dressed to impress with copies of your resume and network with employers. Full-time, part-time, internships, permanent, and temporary positions are available. Interviews will be conducted on-site.
Are you a job seeker and need help?
Email us for assistance with resume improvement or job search before the event. During the fair, we will offer free on-site resume reviews, mock interviews, and job search tips. Please contact Jumana Rasheed-Rosenfield, Fenway CDC Career Coach at jaljohni@fenwaycdc.org
YMCA of Greater Boston presents the Together We Move 5K Race Series! Challenge yourself and accomplish your race goals with the YMCA of Greater Boston Together We Move 5K Race Series. Our 6 5K races are the perfect motivation to keep you on course to health & wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and high-quality race experience you’d only expect from the YMCA of Greater Boston. Register for a single race or our full Race Series!
亨廷顿大街基督教青年会 316 Huntington Ave,Boston,MA
Join us at the Huntington Ave. YMCA for Opening Our Doors: United World, a day of celebration, culture, and community! This family-friendly event will feature live music, free food, wellness activities, fun games, and prizes for all ages. This a great opportunity for everyone to connect, have fun, and learn about the resources available in our community.
Event Highlights:
YMCA of Greater Boston presents the Together We Move 5K Race Series! Challenge yourself and accomplish your race goals with the YMCA of Greater Boston Together We Move 5K Race Series. Our 6 5K races are the perfect motivation to keep you on course to health & wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and high-quality race experience you’d only expect from the YMCA of Greater Boston. Register for a single race or our full Race Series!
波士顿机场希尔顿酒店 1 Hotel Drive,East Boston,MA,United StatesUnfortunately due to the ongoing strike between Unite Here Local 26 and the Logan Airport Hilton, we will be cancelling this year’s event. We are hopeful you will still consider donating to help us reach our goal, if you are able. This is a critical annual event in removing economic barriers and ensuring the Y can be a world class resource for all.
Contact Joey Gaeta at Jgaeta@ymcaboston.org if you have any questions.
YMCA of Greater Boston presents the Together We Move 5K Race Series! Challenge yourself and accomplish your race goals with the YMCA of Greater Boston Together We Move 5K Race Series. Our 6 5K races are the perfect motivation to keep you on course to health & wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a fun and high-quality race experience you’d only expect from the YMCA of Greater Boston. Register for a single race or our full Race Series!