当有 Y 时,就有办法为有需要的人提供庇护所。自 1851 年成立以来,大波士顿基督教青年会一直为波士顿最弱势的居民提供住房。
One of our most effective housing programs is the Families in Transitions (FIT) emergency shelter. The Huntington Avenue YMCA’s Families in Transition program is an emergency housing shelter for homeless families which is funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development. FIT provides a wide range of services including advocacy, life skills training, employment support, health and wellness opportunities, childcare provisions, case management curriculum, and housing search assistance to help families secure and sustain permanent housing and stabilization. FIT provides housing to 22 families with support services to transition them to permanent housing, offering amenities such as private, secured units with private baths, communal kitchens and program laundry facilities. Ten of FIT’s units are designated for and supported by an ancillary contract with the Department of Public Health (BSAS) to offer additional supportive case management services to families headed by single-parent moms with substance abuse history. Over the last 10 years, FIT has placed 272 families into permanent housing, 95% of whom remain permanently housed, compared to a statewide average of 65%.
FIT works passionately to secure adequate, affordable housing and to help families develop the skills and abilities they need to maintain their homes once settled into permanent housing.
联系 Juanita Darlington 想要查询更多的信息。
Huntington House 拥有 67 个单人居住单元,由波士顿房屋管理局管理,是 HUD 第 8 节适度修复计划。该计划的居民受益于 YMCA 提供的就业机会、健康和保健活动以及住宅管理服务。 YMCA 与许多其他非营利组织合作,为 Huntington House 居民提供全方位的支持服务。
要了解有关此计划的更多信息,请联系 克鲁兹管理 在 (617) 789-9032
我们的 Mystic Place 分散站点计划为 10 个无家可归的家庭提供隐私和尊严,因为他们住在马萨诸塞州梅德福的宽敞、设备齐全的 2BR 公寓中。然而,在占据传统公寓的同时,这些家庭与个案管理员和住房搜索工作者合作,以确保他们自己的永久住房机会。
与我们的过渡家庭计划一样,Mystic Place 由住房和社区发展部资助。此外,还为家庭提供广泛的服务,包括宣传、生活技能培训、就业支持、健康和保健机会、儿童保育规定、案例管理课程和住房搜索援助,以帮助家庭获得和维持永久住房和稳定。
联系 Juanita Darlington 想要查询更多的信息。
The YMCA Housing Division accepts monetary and in-kind donations to ensure that our families have the material items they need to be successful.
We are always in need of:
- Linens (sheets, towels, comforters, etc.)
- Baby items (strollers, clothing, etc.)
- Laundry detergent
- Cleaning Supplies
- Gift cards
- T-Passes
We may accept other items seasonally and as needed. If you’d like to make a donation to our shelter programs, please contact Claire Kaiser at ckaiser@ymcaboston.org or by texting or calling (857) 225 7755.