大波士顿基督教青年会致力于多元化、公平、包容和归属感。我们认识到,系统性种族主义出现在社会的各个方面,造成了健康、教育、住房、就业和财富积累方面的差距。我们将通过以下方式努力消除这些差异: 在不同群体之间架起桥梁;创建没有种族主义、不平等和不平等的社区;并提供让每个人都能被看到、听到和安全的计划、服务和空间。我们将要求所有人平等。
The Y strengthens communities. Lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. As reported in our Form 990, in 2023 91% of every dollar spent went toward programs and services that impact the lives of thousands of children, individuals, and families across Greater Boston. This critical support was made possible by the enormous generosity of many individuals, funders and organizations.