Join the YMCA Today!

Your employer is doing something good for the Greater Boston community, and for you! Delta Air Lines employees who enroll by December 31st, 2025, can enjoy a 15% discount on a new annual Y membership.

当您加入 Y 时,您不仅在为您和您的家人做一些好事,您还在帮助我们为整个大波士顿地区的家庭和儿童创造一个美好的世界。一起变强吧


  • Over 400 FREE group exercise and water exercise classes each week
  • 最先进的设备、设施和游泳池
  • 每月会员选项和 30 天退款保证
  • 2 FREE Personal Training sessions ($160 value)
  • Up to 50% off of youth programming & camp
  • 一个由员工和支持组成的社区,可帮助您养成健康的习惯
  • Access to our mobile app, making it easy to scan in, register for classes, and take classes on the go with our on-demand workout library


  • ACCESS EVERYWHERE – Use of YMCA locations throughout Greater Boston and the United States provides members an opportunity to try new classes outside of your home YMCA center or workout while traveling.
  • GROUP CLASSES YOU WANT – With 400+ group exercise and water fitness classes offered each week, led by qualified instructors, and included in your membership, you’ll find the class you need anytime, anywhere.
  • 降低课程费率 – 注册付费课程,包括游泳课程、青少年运动、日间营等,最高可享受 50% 的折扣!
  • 逐月选项 – 在 Y,没有长期合同,这可以减轻加入压力并为您提供所需的灵活性。
  • 健康保险折扣和报销 – 许多当地保险计划提供健身福利报销。联系您的健康保险提供商,了解如何节省您的会员资格。
  • 健康支持——无论您是想减肥还是强身健体,我们的健康教练都可以帮助您设定目标、开始行动并取得成果。向所有人敞开大门——Y 相信每个人都应该有机会成为 YMCA 会员。我们通过捐助者的慷慨解囊为有需要的人提供经济援助。

YMCA Membership Interest Form

Complete the form below and a member of our team will follow up with you to process your special offer!