YMCA Day Camps YMCA Day Camps

Campamentos de día de la YMCA

Y Day Camp mantiene a los niños comprometidos, seguros, saludables y aprendiendo. En la Y, nos enfocamos en su hijo como un todo, incluidos los deportes de primer nivel y la instrucción de natación, la exploración de la comunidad y el desarrollo de amistades de por vida.

Camp Open House: January 25 from 10am-12pm

Are you interested in learning more about our summer day camps? Stop in to any of our YMCA of Greater Boston Centers on January 25th from 10am-12pm for our Camp open house! Learn more about our camps and their day to day activities and get to meet our camp leaders and ask any questions you may have.

See our locations
Camp Hiring Fair
Looking for a camp summer job? Please join us for our camp career fair on January 25th at your local YMCA. Learn about all of our camp job opportunities, bring your resume, and be ready to speak to our directors.

We will be conducting on the spot interviews!

Secure an Interview!

¿Tus hijos están listos para el Campamento? Los campamentos de verano Y Day son un gran lugar para que los niños pasen el verano porque nuestra amplia gama de campamentos y programas diurnos autorizados por el estado mantienen a los niños comprometidos, seguros, saludables y aprendiendo.

At the Y, we take a whole-child approach, and round out their summer experience with invigorating sports and swimming instruction that promotes physical well-being, exploration of the community which fosters social and emotional growth, while seamlessly weaving literacy, math, and science lessons into our curriculum. Kids can’t help but develop life-long love of learning and friendship at our camps and benefit from reduced summer learning loss.

Prepárese para Y Summer Day Camps donde los niños pueden ser niños y disfrutar del aire libre con natación, juegos de campo, artes y manualidades, actividades grupales, excursiones y otros eventos emocionantes que se ofrecen durante todo el verano.

Explore our Camp Guides

Summer Learning Academies at the YMCA of Greater Boston

Discover a summer of learning and fun at the YMCA of Greater Boston! Partnering with the Boston Public Schools and BostonBeyond.org, our Summer Learning Academies combat summer learning loss with engaging literacy, math, and STEAM activities. From July 7 to August 8 (Sessions 3-7), your child will be led by trained teachers in a blend of hands-on learning and traditional day camp fun – all at no extra cost! We encourage families to sign up for all five weeks to maximize the benefits. Secure your spot for a comprehensive, inclusive, and unforgettable summer experience!
Register by contacting childdevelopment@ymcaboston.org

summer learning logo

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